Episode 22

Follow The Mystery to Find Your Self

In this episode, Pace and I dive deep into the mystery to get closer to who we are. We discuss some of the important messages we’ve found in our dreams, some of synchronicities we’ve experienced and how they’ve influenced our paths, and some of the insights we’ve had in therapy. We talk about how these experiences are easy to miss and dismiss in our lives, but how when we pay attention, we begin to notice them more, and we discover they can be helpful guideposts on our paths, and bring us into a deeper relationship with ourselves and our desires. This was a fun one for me because I love talking about this kind of stuff, and I hope you enjoy it too!


Pace Gatherer is a future Marriage and Family Therapist (MFT) working toward a Master’s in Science. Their work with children—particularly in underserved communities—uses play to build resilience, leadership, and connection. With a BFA in Sculpture and a background in museums and arts nonprofits, they’ve long been committed to promoting DEIA (diversity, equity, inclusion accessibility) initiatives. Driven by a passion for creativity, emotional intelligence, and modern spirituality, Pace explores how these elements intersect to foster personal growth, healing, and self-expression. You can contact Pace at pace.gatherer at gmail.com.
The Friendly Unknown by Allison Filice, copyright 2025